Soviet Naval Diplomacy / Bradford Dismukes & James McConnell (used book) - 50 kr.

Titel     Soviet Naval Diplomacy 
    Bradfprd Dismukes & James McConnell.
    Pergamon Press
Udgivet     1979
Sider     Paperback 409 sider 
Stand     God
Bemærkninger      Intet
Sprog     Engelsk
Pris     50 kr.

Naval diplomacy is the employment of naval power directly in the service of foreign policy. While naval forces can be used in cooperative ways, been of far greater consequence in its coercive forms, when naval forces are used to threaten, or impose, violent sanctions. Indeed, for the statesman, the political utility of naval forces derives from their capacity for destruction both at sea and ashore and, by virtue of that capacity, their ability to engage and hold the attention of important audiences when those forces are moved about. 

Beginning in 1967, the Soviet Union began to practice naval diplomacy in its coercive forms, with profound consequences for world politics. This volume concentrates on the use of the Soviet Navy as an instrument of diplomacy in the Afro-Asian Third World. Soviet activism has been concentrated in the Third World largely because the situation there is more fluid and the opportunities for assisted change greater than in Europe: political alignments are more flexible, and the risks entailed by a diplomacy of force are more tolerable. With one exception - the flow of oil from the Middle East, which thus far has not been a focus of superpower contention - superpower interests in the Third World, though important, have not been considered vital. 

In the Third World competition between the Soviet and U.S. Navies has been intense; and, at various points in the several crises that have occurred, both superpwers have come closer than either would like to the choice between withdrawal and taking military action against one another. No comprehensive discussion of Soviet naval diplomacy is availabe. This book represents an attempt to remedy that situation, and to clear up some of the misconceptions that have emerged in public discussion of the subject.

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